Zuni Multi-Sport Complex

Proposed Sites & Selection

The Pueblo of Zuni Office of Planning & Development has been working the past several months with various Tribal Programs and with the community on the proposed Multi-Sport Complex and Recreational Master Plan. This project includes the site selection, analysis, and conceptual design for the Multi-Sport Complex.

For the site selection phase, the project required analysis of at least two (2) sites for the new complex. The POZ Office of Planning & Development identified two (2) potential locations for the new complex which are further detailed below. The proposed sites are located on the east side of Zuni Pueblo near Black Rock. Each location received a site analysis studying site layouts, options for access, parking, and site uses.

+ Site Option #1 is south of BIA Route 48/Old Gallup Road and north of the Zuni River across from Bolton Drive (northeast of Zuni High School).

+ Site Option #2 is south of State Highway 53 and directly west of the DY Bluffs subdivision.

Site Option #1

Site Option #1 is a 23.5-acre lot located south of BIA Route 48/Old Gallup Road and north of the Zuni River directly northeast of Zuni High School. The area is largely outside of the floodplain. Since this location is further away from the community, development at this site requires a sizeable extension of utilities and road connections for direct access. Several access options were assessed including providing extended road access to the north along Old Gallup Road/BIA Route 48 to connect to Lakeside Road or alternatively providing access to the south from Bolton Drive. Access from Bolton Drive will require a new river crossing with a large bridge construction.

The design team also assessed access to other recreational opportunities near Site Option #1. There are no direct connections to existing trails at this location. There are clear views of Dowa Yalanne and significant open space surrounding the site. The site is very pleasant with views of the Zuni River. However, it was reported that this location is in close vicinity to culturally sensitive sites near Blackrock Dam.

Site #1 north of Zuni River, south of Old Gallup Rd and northwest of Black Rock. View from Site #1 looking southwest.

Site Option #2

Site Option #2 is located south of State Highway 53 and west of the DY Bluffs subdivision. This location is in closer proximity to existing infrastructure including utilities and road connections. With nearby access to the State Highway 53, Site Option #2 requires significantly less road infrastructure development than Site #1. Although located outside of the floodplain, the site is near an existing natural drainage feature (arroyo) to the north which will require a road crossing. New road connections with low water crossing and high water crossing options will provide access from the east to BIA 301E/Oak Street.

Considering access to other reactional opportunities near this location, the site is close to the paved bike path south of State Highway 53. There are clear views of Dowa Yalanne and significant open space surrounding the site. It is understood there are reportedly limited culturally sensitive sites in this area, if any.

Site #2 south of State Highway 53 and west of DY Bluffs subdivision. View from Site #2 looking north towards State Highway 53.

Site Selection Evaluation

Scale: 1-3 (1 = low; 2 = medium; 3 = high)

Higher scores indicate more desirable site features and considerations.

Matrix with site selection scoring. Site option 1 received 29 total points. Site option 2 received 45 total points.

Selected Site

Based on the preliminary analysis of both sites, the POZ Office of Planning & Development recommends the selection of Site Option #2 as the preferred location for the new Zuni Multi-Sport Complex. The design team will begin additional planning and site layouts for the sports complex on Site Option #2.

Further detailed analysis on the required road improvements and final drainage design for the selected site are being coordinated with the Pueblo of Zuni Roads Department, the Pueblo of Zuni Hydrology Department, and the project team civil engineers (Isaacson & Aarfman).

View of site option #2 looking west towards Dowa Yalanne. The foreground has brown and green grasslands with a row of dark green juniper trees. In the distance is a mountain (Dowa Yalanne) with white clouds and blue sky in the background.