Zuni Multi-Sport Complex

Zuni Multi-Sport Complex +
Recreational Master Plan

The Pueblo of Zuni is working on a strategic planning effort to assess recreational opportunities in the community and develop a multi‐sport complex. The sport complex is envisioned to add recreational activities that are needed or missing in the community. The Pueblo of Zuni hired MRWM, an Albuquerque-based landscape architecture and planning firm to support the community on this important project.

Key Goals

+ Improve the quality of life for our community

+ Identify new recreational opportunities

+ Encourage healthy lifestyles through outdoor activities

+ Ability to host sports tournaments

Project Background

The Zuni Office of Planning and Development is working with MRWM Landscape Architects on the proposed Multi-Sport Complex and Recreational Master Plan. This project includes two key parts:

Multi-Sport Complex

  • An analysis of two potential sites for the complex

  • Basic site layout and site design for the complex

Recreational Master Plan

  • Inventory and assessment of existing recreational opportunities

  • Analysis of existing trail network and proposed connections to recreation sites

Project Process

First, the project design team will assess the existing recreational assets at Zuni including sport fields, parks, playgrounds, trails, etc. During this time, the project team is talking to the community and organizations to identify what services and programs are offered and what the community would like to see offered. The team will also look at a number of sites to identify where the Multi-Sport Complex could best be located within the Pueblo of Zuni. Once all the information on existing assets, needs, and the sites are collected, the team will create a conceptual design.

Public Engagement

The Community Survey and Youth Survey were open from early August until late September 2022. Questions asked the public what recreational activities and programs are missing, and what programming should be included in the new Multi-Sport Complex.

The results collected from the surveys are shown in link below.


Past Events

Project Site

The Pueblo of Zuni Office of Planning & Development has been working the past several months with various Tribal Programs and with the community on the proposed Multi-Sport Complex and Recreational Master Plan. This project includes the site selection, analysis, and conceptual design for the Multi-Sport Complex.

For the site selection phase, the project required analysis of at least two (2) sites for the new complex. The POZ Office of Planning & Development identified two (2) potential locations for the new complex which are further detailed below.